Crew Identification
Clifton Dale (CD) has been identified in the Crew Photo!
New Page/Contact
I have been contacted by Carol McClanahan. She is the daughter of Clifton K. Dale, who served on Snook prior to the loss. I've set up a...
Only 5 photos to go!
We now have photos for Paul Grupp and Erven Bagby! You can see the photos on their individual pages.
Updated Pages
- Paul Grupp's page has been updated with comments from two new contacts... niece, Dolly Grupp Ball and nephew, Rick Grupp. I'm hoping...
John Parker Page Updates
John Parker's page has been updated with a new photo and two new contacts. Bot are nieces and there are added comments to the page.
Page Update
Robert Vyverberg's page has been updated with additional information.
New Page/Contact
I've been contacted by Sandie Tucker. Her father, Allen Zumwalt, served on Snook prior to the loss! I have a new page for Allen with a...
New Page/Contact
I've been contacted by Mike McCune. His father, Howard McCune, who recently passed away, served on Snook through the 8th patrol! Mike...
Raymond Hughes page update
Bryan Hughes' email address has been updated on his uncle's page.
New Page/Contact
I have been contacted by Jane Vyverberg, whose Uncle Robert Vyverberg served on Snook. Fortunately he got off the sub prior to the loss....